We help founders

maximize impact

The world is full of problems. We fight those problems by building and investing in startup companies.

Our Ventures

Revolutions for a better world.

How it works

Offload what others can, so you can do what others can't.

Join Forces

Reach out to launch your revolution with us.

Remove Distractions

Offload business details and clarify the big picture.

Build and Launch

Deploy your work (again and again) to accomplish your mission.

Here’s what you get.

We’re inspired by those who sacrifice for others. We believe that trait is the secret ingredient to success and your venture’s most scarce resource.

Beyond funding, our program is designed to free up founder time so they can focus on accomplishing their mission.

Funding Network

We write checks that seed larger rounds. All done on our state-of-the-art investor alignment platform.

Operational Clarity

A membership with OffloadOps provides HR, accounting, and tax services for 1 year FREE (optional).

Ready to maximize your impact?

Take the first step.